
Dr. Frankel tells a lovely magical tale which will delight children and adults in an original and authentic voice. When guided by a therapist, this enchantment can empower readers to cope with bullying, neglect, and sadness by interacting with the natural world and its intrinsic rewards using mindfulness and emotional regulation.

—Karen Cimini Ph.D.  Psychologist and director of the Akron Family Institute


Amy Frankel has written an engaging story that will touch the hearts of readers of any age. She shows readers how to use mindfulness to emotionally regulate their response to life through compelling characters and a poignant narrative. Her suggestions for use include specific activities as well details to help in processing for groups or individuals. “The Land Across The Stream” deserves a place in any counselor or counselor educator’s tool box.

—Paula Britton Ph.D. Lpcc-s, Psychologist and Professor of Counseling at John Carroll University